Reducing Workplace Accidents

Reducing Workplace Accidents

5 Tips To Improve Your Pallet Wrapping Machine's Performance

by Enzo Vincent

All machines wear out and eventually need replacing, including pallet wrapping machines, but sometimes you can get a little more life out of them before you start looking for other pallet wrapping equipment for sale. You just need to keep them up with proper maintenance. Keep reading to learn more.

1. Make Sure The Film Is Threaded Correctly

Every brand of pallet wrapping machine is a little different. Make sure all employees are properly trained to thread the film through the rollers correctly. And have employees check this on a regular basis. If the film is not aligned properly, it can stretch to the point of snapping. If the rollers are bypassed, the film will not stretch enough and it could make the machine work harder than needed. The machine will also require more film to wrap pallets, costing your company more money.

2. Verify The Correct Film Type Is Being Used On The Machine

Since there are different types of pallet wrapping machines, there are also more than one type of film. If you have a power pre-stretch machine, then standard un-stretched film should be used, with a stretch capacity suitable for your specific machine model. If you have a core break machine, then use pre-stretched film. If the wrong type of wrap is loaded into the machine, then it will not work correctly. It could also damage the wrapping machine and the products on the pallet.

3. Look At The De Facto Stretch % Ratio

All pallet wrapping machines have a set stretch % ratio, which should be provided on a label on the machine itself, or listed in the manufacturer's user manual. Now measure the machine's actual ratio to see if it is the same as what is listed by the manufacturer for optimum performance. To do this, mark a specific distance on the roll of film. Then wrap a pallet. Now locate your marks and measure the new distance between them. If the ratio is off, then re-thread the film and measure again. If it's still off, call a technician to fix it.  

4. Look At The Weight Of Film Used Per Pallet

You can easily check the weight of the film by cutting the film off a wrapped pallet and then weighing it. If it weighs more than expected than you could use a thinner film, or adjust the tightness of the film as it wraps pallets. Keep in mind that the weight of the film used depends upon the size of the pallet being wrapped. Not only can the results of this analysis alone improve the performance of your pallet wrapping machine because you can switch to a more appropriate film, but it can also save you some money if you are buying stronger film that what is required for the jobs in your warehouse.

5. Clean The Rollers

Finally, you should check the rollers on the machine's film carriage. Look for dirt and grime build-up around the rollers. Also remove any labels or stickers that may have inadvertently stuck to the rollers. These things will impede the film application and cause the machine to work harder than needed. Use a suitable cleaning chemical and rags to remove all dirt from the rollers. Contact your pallet wrapping machine manufacturer to find out the best cleaning solution for your machine.

These 5 tips should help you improve your pallet wrapping machine's performance and prolong its life. But, if you do need to buy a new pallet wrapping machine, contact your local machine shop or manufacturer. They will be happy to find the perfect machine for your company.


About Me

Reducing Workplace Accidents

About a year ago, one of my warehouse employees got smashed between an indoor crane and the wall. Although he escaped with minor injuries, the incident acted as a huge wake up call for my entire staff. We realized that we needed to do our part to reduce workplace accidents, and so we started evaluating our industrial and manufacturing equipment. After taking an inventory of previous accidents, we were able to create a list of protocols that helped things tremendously. This blog is all about reducing workplace accidents by improving your back room. You never know, a few simple changes could save an employee's life.